Friday, April 18, 2014

Weekly Happies.

So I know everyone does the Five for Friday thing, so in my neck of the woods I am going to start listing my Weekly Happies...all the things this week that brought beauty, love and happiness to my soul.  And I will probably go past 5 :)

1.) My husband, Joey.  He is seriously the greatest thing to ever happen to me.  He deserves to have the first place on this list.  I am the luckiest girl to have a man that is my best friend.  The gratitude and love I feel towards him is immeasurable.

2.) 66* weather!  Holy cow, guys, does that feel good to have.  It hasn't stuck around but those fleeting days where it does peek gives me hope that May will bring a sunshine and warm filled month!  (And I would like to see some green outside, yes? ENOUGH with the brown!)

3.)  My powder room.  I did a little sprucing of it the past few weeks to add some personality.  I found the CUTEST little stand at Home Goods which fit perfectly and then I added a lantern, a lotus flower tealight, a little rock that says 'Relax' and some orchids.  I don't know why, but that little corner in my house makes me so happy.  I will put pictures up one day!

4.) Our elliptical.  I have been using that thing every night before I shower and go to bed and it has made sleep SO much better for me.

5.) Spartan Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream.  This stuff is the BEST.  No other brand tops Spartan on this one in my book.  My parents had a gallon and I had to go over and inhale some.

6.) My new flats.  This goes along with #2.  I bought the cutest little lace flats that are the most comfortable things to boot.  It just has to stop raining so I can wear them more.

7.) Walking the dogs.  Joey and I love to do this in our sub.  It's so peaceful and it's awesome when we see some deer!

Well, those are my Happies of the week...It's Easter weekend so we will be all over the place, but it should be a good time.  Let's have some warm weather to celebrate, please!

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