Monday, February 16, 2015

V-Day Recap and Many Leather-bound Books

Happy Monday!

This weekend was a really nice one, filled with things to do for Valentine's Day and a mini home project that Joey and I tackled.  We didn't have any Valentine's Day plans at first, but when we both got home from work, we were starving and didn't want to cook.  Hubs suggested heading to Aubree's Pizza for dinner, since it just opened right down the street from us.  I had never been there before, so we tried it out and it was delicious.  We will definitely be going back, and that can be dangerous considering it's right down the street!

He also surprised me with a bouquet of beautiful lavender roses!  They are definitely a contender for my favorite flower now and they are making me crave springtime even more. We didn't realize it until we were eating dinner, but last year we did the exact same thing for Valentine's Day.  We ordered pizza in and watched the new Season 2 of House of Cards on Netflix.  Apparently, we like our V Day's laid back and casual.  We will probably be keeping this tradition up!  Unfortunately, Season 3 of HOC doesn't come out for another 11 days, but we were content with watching random shows on tv.

On Sunday we decided to put together the bookcase that his family got us for Christmas.  It's from Target, and we love it!  It was easy to put together with 2 people and only took us about an hour and fifteen minutes.  So excited to have it up, now I just have to fill it!  Isn't it a beaut?

Can't wait to get some cute bookends for this bad boy.  I may end up purchasing another one, too because I like it so much and I think I will need it for all of the books we have.

Have a great start to the week!


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