Sunday, October 26, 2014

Um, where did October go?

Here we are, the last week of October already.  I really have no idea how that's possible and I continue to be dumbfounded about how quickly this whole year has gone.  I thought that October was going to be a pretty low key month, but it quickly filled up with birthdays, projects and Halloween parties.

Our weekend started out with a nice relaxing Friday night with Hubs and I taking it easy, ordering pizza for dinner and enjoying downtime after a hectic workweek.  The dogs appreciate this downtime as well, considering they get to hang out on the couch with us :)

(I really don't know how Miss Lulu was comfortable with this, but homegirl was passed out.)

Saturday turned into a much busier day then anticipated, but in a good way.  After breakfast, Joey had to do some lawn work so and I got a call from my Mom asking if I wanted to go to the mall.  I never turn down an invitation to the mall, obviously.  It was a really nice time!  We spent way too much money at the Clinique counter, per usual, and I put a good dent in my Christmas shopping.  I got all of our niece and nephew's gifts halfway done, and I got some great deals on stuff.  It feels good to get going on all of that so we're not scrambling in the next few weeks (WEEKS?!) before the huge shopping rush.

Later that evening we got all dressed up in our costumes and went to my best friends' annual Halloween party.  It was different this year because their newborn son, Vinny joined us this year in his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle costume!  Babies in costumes are just the cutest ever.

Sunday turned into a busy day as well.  My sister Ashley spent the night after the party and we made a big pancake spread for breakfast.  Then we all headed to church and Joey and I went and got me the new iPhone 6!  I am liking it so far and I'm excited to dig in more and find out the new cool things it can do.

Then we had a nice little lunch date at Panera and afterwards went to Helzberg to turn in our wedding rings to get them checked and redipped.  I feel so naked without my ring!  I keep having mini heart attacks when I realize there is nothing on my finger.  I'm going to need to put one of my costume ones on temporarily so I don't keep having spaz attacks the next week.

I hope you all had a relaxing weekend!  Anything interesting happen?  Let me know below! 

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