Thursday, October 16, 2014

High Five for Friday!

Every Thursday night I'm amazed that I'm already preparing a post for Friday again.  I am so ready for it though.  I think when I push the snooze alarm for an extra fifty minutes on Thursday morning, that's pretty much signaling I am D.O.N.E. for the week.

1.  This past weekend was so much fun.  We took our Godsons to Greenfield Village for their Halloween walk.  It's over a mile long and it winds through the whole village with carved jack-o-lanterns lighting the way.  The boys got candy, we walked through a haunted bridge and a haunted wood forest and saw the Headless Horseman.  We had perfect weather which made it even better.  There's nothing like a beautiful October night for a walk.

2.  Our friends came over for dinner on Tuesday night.  We made a pot roast and got a chance to catch up with them since their wedding last month.  They told us all about their honeymoon to Costa Rica (so freaking beautiful!) and we played some cards.  It's wonderful to hang out and catch up with our closest friends, especially since we all have such busy schedules now!

3.  I have been drinking my kale, spinach and avocado smoothies every morning and it is improving my skin so so much!  My skin is much more clear, more dewy and it has been making my body feel great, too.  I got Joey on the smoothie train, so he is having one every morning, too ;)

4.  We are already winterizing our sprinkler system!  I can't believe it's that time of year already.  We got the last tree planted on our property that we needed this week, so we are officially finished with the basic lawn requirements.  Man, it takes a lot to turn a dirt lot into an actual yard.  Next year should be much easier to keep up with so we can focus on the patio!

5.  We are leaving for the Bahamas in one month! ONE. MONTH.  We have both jumped on the workout train again, and man am I feeling it!  Ab Ripper X from P90 X is no joke and just to torture myself further I have been throwing in Denise Austin's Boot Camp.  I am determined to be super toned for this vacation, so hopefully I will stick with it and see some great results.  While I was working out, I had a workout buddy join me:

She's looking pretty fit, don't you think? ;)  I love my little workout buddy, she's the best!

I hope you had a great week!  What is your favorite thing that happened this past week?  I would love to hear about it!  Don't forget to link up with Lauren, too!

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