Thursday, September 18, 2014

5 Years

Oh today.  Today is one of my favorite days of the year.  I woke up next to my best friend and we were snuggled deep under the covers, comfortable and warm and happy.  Our first little furbaby, Daisy, was nestled in between us and quietly snored.  September 18th dawned a bright and beautiful day, just like it was 5 years ago on our wedding day.  The temperature was perfect with blue skies for miles.

I was 22, he was 24.  We were so excited to start our journey together as husband and wife.  It's amazing how quickly 5 years has clipped by!  We still feel like newlyweds, but we aren't really in 'newlywed' status to others anymore.  Knowing that we have friends and family getting married this year and it's five years after us, it doesn't seem possible that it has been that long!

To say that I have a great husband in Joey would be an understatement.  This year has, without a doubt, been one of the hardest we have faced together, but he lived up to his vows to care for me in every way he promised 5 years ago.  I have truly hit the jackpot with him.

I love you, my sweet husband.  Everyday I am so thankful that God led me to you.  

Happy Anniversary, Love.

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