Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Let's Talk Hair

So.  This is definitely a subject that I both love and drives me crazy at the same time.  I love doing my hair and watching tutorials on YouTube and trying to recreate them, but more often than not I am not loving the results.

So what kind of hair do I have?  I have natural waves in my hair...and not the cute, Victoria's Secret sexy beach waves.  They are the weird, cowlick, frizzed out version.  If I blow dry my hair, it's relatively straight but I usually need to do some heat styling to get it to look a little more natural and effortless.  Add in the fact that my hair is super thick and gets greasy easily and I just get frustrated and ticked off. 

The funny thing is, I know what the issue is...product.  I know I need to get better products to help get the hairstyles I'm trying to do to actually stay in place.  Luckily, with all of the blogs and YouTubers out there, I have found a select few items that work for me for my daily hairstyles.


This argan oil is pretty awesome.  After my shower I comb out my hair and use 5-7 sprays all over my hair.  It detangles it, smooths and shines and keeps the blow dry time down.  With my thick hair I really need that.  Double bonus is that it's cheap and smells heavenly.  At $7.99 you can't beat it.


This mousse is a bit on the pricey end, but I have been loving it so far.  It adds just enough volume for the day to day hairstyling.  I have noticed that when I use this, it helps control the oil in my hair.  I have found I can go longer in between washing my hair when I use this mousse.  That saves me time and helps keep my hair healthier with less washing and blow drying.


I have talked about this spray before and I loved it right from the beginning, and now that I've used it for quite a while, I'm still loving it.  It is great for second and third day hair.  It allows me to backcomb to get height for fancier hairstyles, combats any oil with it's dry shampoo properties and it gives my hair grip to pin it up or back.  Using this in combination with the Oscar Blandi mousse has really given me more flexibility with styling.  It's expensive, but I only use it when I absolutely need to.  I will definitely be repurchasing when this runs out!

These three items are my core team so far, but I still need to find some products that work well with curling.  Since my hair can get greasy really easily from the wrong products, I have to watch what I use and test things out to see how they work for me.  I need something lightweight that will give my hair lots of grip and staying power without weighing it down with thick creams or gels.  What are your favorite products for those kinds of styles?  Give a girl some help!

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