Thursday, October 2, 2014

High Five for Friday!

I started out this week pretty tired and thought that Friday would never get here.  Luckily, this week went by pretty quickly, considering it was a weird week that was kind of out of the norm.  Here's a recap of the best parts!

1. We got back from our trip to Pennsylvania on Sunday evening.  It was a great time!  I got the chance to see almost all of my aunts, uncles and cousins and that was great since we haven't all been in the same room together in about ten years.  It was especially wonderful because both of my Grandpap's turn 80 this year and we were there for very close to their birthdays.  My Grandma turned 77 on Saturday when we were down there!  Triple birthdays?  Yes please!  And, how sweet are they? I am so thankful that they are all still in my life :)

2.  Joey is back home!  He had to do his last trip to Erie, PA this week and he's finally back now!  So glad to have him back so we can enjoy the weekend together.  When he is gone, weeks go by S-L-O-W-L-Y.

3.  My cousin is getting married on Saturday, so we are going to his wedding.  He is marrying a wonderful girl and we are so happy for them.  It will be great to have a night out with hubby and my sisters and be able to get dressed up and dance!

4.  I am continuing to use our new washer and dryer and luhving it!  That thing is the best.  Also?  I would pick doing laundry over dishes any day.

5.  I busted out the Halloween decorations!  The house is looking pretty seasonal around here, and it's such a nice change.  If you follow me on Instagram, I snapped this picture of these slippers I forgot I had in one of my Halloween boxes and I was pretty excited about it.

I hope you have a great weekend, friends!  October is such a lovely month.  The air is cooler and crisp, but it's not in that awful cold weather yet.  I hope to get some cornstalks and pumpkins for outside on the porch sometime this week...hopefully we have some time to do so!

Don't forget to link up with Lauren below!

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