Friday, October 10, 2014

High Five for Friday!

Hello Friends!  With another week comes another five things that have been awesome this week.  Let's get to it!

1. We are taking our Godsons to Greenfield Village tomorrow night!  It is a wonderful historic village that is part of the Henry Ford Estate.  I am really excited about this because I have never been there, either.  Every year in October they have a mile-long jack-o-lantern walkway that's all lit up and beautiful and the kids wear their costumes. People go crazy for it.  I am a huge jack-o-lantern fan, too.  If you follow me on Instagram, one of my decorations made it on there last night :)

2. This work week went super fast.  I got more responsibilities handed to me at work, so it is definitely keeping me really busy.  I like it though, it makes the weeks go by really quickly.

3. I have gotten back into the swing of drinking my green smoothies again.  It's amazing how much better they make me feel.  They make my skin glow, my hair shiny and they make me feel better all around.  Joey decided to make his own concoction and he loved it!  I think I got him hooked ;)

4. I did a lot of organizing this week which always makes me feel so good.  I cleaned out our filing cabinet and separated all of the old stuff from the necessary stuff.  This is not earth-shattering but trust me, we tend to get overrun by papers and they end up getting stashed.  It's been in the back of my mind to do it for a while and I'm so glad it's done!

5. My inlaws came over last Sunday and we enjoyed a really nice spaghetti dinner with them.  It was nice to talk and catch up.  They brought us a delicious pie filled with blueberries, cherries and apples with a strudel crumb topping.  It.was.delicious.  They also got us a giant pumpkin for our porch!  It makes it so nice and festive for the holidays!

Joey and I plan on carving some pumpkins closer to Halloween.  I love doing that, it's one of my favorite things to do.  What are some of your favorite Halloween traditions? Do you carve pumpkins?  Roast pumpkin seeds?  Inspire me!  I always love to hear about the fun things other people do around this time of year.

Well, this weekend is my Dad's birthday, so we should be really great!  I can't wait to get out of work tomorrow and kick off the weekend.  I hope you had a great week!  Link up with Lauren below!

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