Friday, September 5, 2014

High Five for Friday!

Hey friends, I hope you all enjoyed your short work week!  This week was pretty awesome, so let's get to the five awesomes that occured, shall we?

1.  You see those up there?  My J. Crew shirts came in!  All thanks to a lovely Labor Day J. Crew Factory sale!  The Merci shirt I can wear now, but I need to wait until it cools down outside to wear that deliciously soft sweater.  Not rushing summer though, because I know Autumn is always far too short before Winter snaps in.

2. The puppies got their haircut this week!  I love it when they look all shaved and groomed.  I can see their little eyes so much better!  On the flip side of that, though, Lulu tends to look like quite the little twig.

3. Our grass is coming in!  Man, it feels good to start to have a lawn.  We were approaching "hillbilly" status.

4. We almost thought my best friend was going to have her baby this week!  Her fluid levels are getting slightly low, but she's only 36 weeks.  So while it would have been awesome to meet her little one, baby should stay put for as long as he/she can!  She can basically have the baby at any time now, so we are all waiting excitedly for the 'real' call!

5.  Our other best friends are gettin' hitched this weekend!  It is on the other side of Michigan, so we are travelling over there today for the rehearsal dinner.  This wedding should be awesome...a tent, a food truck and gourmet donuts instead of cake.  Get in my belly.

Hope you had a wonderful week!  What did you do?  Let me know!  I love to hear what everyone has been up to!

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  1. That Merci shirt is so cute & I love that photo of your pup. :)

  2. Stopping by from Lauren's link up. I love how cute dogs look after they've been groomed! My little guy looks like a puppy again! Enjoy your weekend!
