Friday, August 29, 2014

High Five for Friday!

Woo hoo! I really needed this work week to end.  Between repeated software crashes, non-stop phone calls and crazy blackouts at work, I am done.  DONE with this week.  So let's get to my five things that were better than all the mayhem, shall we?

1. WE ARE OFF ON MONDAY!  I can't even tell you how much excitement this brings to me.  I always think weekends should be three days anyhow, and the universe listened this time.  Solid.

2. I received my Oribe Dry Texture Spray in the mail this week.  Oh. Em. Gee.  That spray is hands-down one of the best things to ever grace my hair.  I was able to get volume and texture and for the first time ever, I was able to have 3 day hair that looked freshly washed, because it acts like a dry shampoo as well.  That stuff will always be a repeat purchase for me; I don't care how much it costs.  I am excited to put it to extra good use at the weddings I am going to in the next few months.

3.  I went fall shopping at Target again.  Target clothes are such a hit or miss for me.  This summer I really didn't like anything there and barely bought anything but fall has been a game changer.  I am excited to wear everything but not too excited, yaknowwhatimean?

4.  I got to hang out with my best girlfriends on Sunday for some much needed catch-up time.  Well, we decided to peruse Michaels for their Halloween decorations and they did not disappoint.  I bought the cutest stake for the yard and a sign for the front door (or somewhere in the house, dunno where that's going yet).  I don't have many Halloween decorations, so I am starting to add to my collection.

5.  We finally got our sprinkler system and seed for our lawn!  We should have a green yard in a couple of weeks and I am so excited!  Just in time for fall.  I have big ideas about putting up cornstalks and hay bales and pumpkins for the blustery season.

So that's that for the week!  I'm hoping to get some nice rest and relaxation in this extended weekend and maybe tackle a few home projects that have been calling my name as well.  But as for tonight?  Hubs is having the NFL Draft party for Fantasy Football with some friends and family.  Kroger fried chicken for dinner, y'all. Woot!
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1 comment:

  1. I would really like it if you could post a picture of your hair after you use the Oribe Dry Texture spray so I can see the full volume with no grease effect!!
