Tuesday, August 26, 2014

50 Facts About Me


Lately I have been wondering about what makes me, me!  Sometimes I feel like I have so many different likes and interests, I feel like I'm 12 people in one.  That can be a wonderful thing, because I don't get bored easily but sometimes I feel scattered, too...like I'm not sure where to pour all of my energy and focus.

I figured that since I do have so many things that make me who I am, I should put them down in one space.  I might even surprise myself!  Here we go, in rapid-fire random style:

1. I love to crochet.
2. I love roller coasters.
3. I'm not a huge fan of bananas, but I'll eat them.
4. I don't like candles, but I love Scentsy.
5. I love love love to travel.  I have so many destinations on my bucket list!
6. I like vegetables more than fruit.
7. I am a huge Lucille Ball fan.
8. I am a huge Robin Williams fan, and always have been. *sadface*
9. I like to do lots of impersonations of characters, people and dialects.
10. I am not a cat person, but I always want other people's cats.
11. Me + heels = true love.
12. I like to paint.
13. I used to like to scrapbook, but that takes so.much.time.
14. My birthstone is Emerald.
15. The numbers 5 and 15 are my lucky numbers.
16. I'm a homebody.  I love having nights with nothing to do.
17. My dream job was to become an actress.
18. I hate doing the dishes.
19. My favorite color is purple.
20. I have zero patience with figuring out computers/tech gear.  Good thing my hubs does that for a living!
21. I am scared of spiders.  Keep those jerks away from me.
22. My style icon is Victoria Beckham.  I would LOVE to meet her one day! (I would probably faint).
23. I have always, always struggled with acne. Ughhhhhhhhhh.
24. My three favorite YouTubers right now are Tanya Burr, Zoella and Claire Marshall.
25. I am a Taurus.
26. I love going to church.
27. House of Cards is my current television/Netflix obsession.  Is it February yet?!
28. My feet are always cold.
29. I get really crabby if I don't get enough sleep or if I'm really hungry.
30. I hate anything cherry flavored or scented.
31. Cheese sticks are my jam.  The deep fried ones, obviously.
32. I love chocolate.
33. And brunch.
34. And nachos.
35. I am a grammar/spelling cop.  (Deal with it.)
36. The beach is my favorite place to be.
37. I once auditioned for an Oscar Mayer commercial.
38. I was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
39. Art fairs are one of my favorite things to go to.
40. I make an awesome homemade spaghetti sauce.
41. I married my hubby on September 18, 2009.
42. I am colorblind.
43. I hate wet bath towels on the floor.
44. I like to sleep in but I never do.
45. I am a coffee addict.
46. Kate Hudson is one of my favorite actresses.
47. My guilty obsession is the Kardashian sisters.
48. I love Elvis Presley.
49. I love decorating for holidays.
50. I wish I had a chef.

So there you have it!  I thought I would get stumped after about fifteen of these but it wasn't too bad!  Now I tag my sisters, Brooke and Ashley to do the same!


  1. Oh boy...I don't know if I'll be able to get fifty!! I'll give it a shot though! By the way, I totally agree with your #10.

  2. 50 things?! Okay...here goes nothing. And spiders...yes. Just yes.
