Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Cars, man. Cars.

This week has been some.thing.else.

Ever have one of those weeks where nothing really bad happens but it's enough "out of the ordinary" crap that throws everything out of whack?

Meet my week.  And let me remind you that it's only Tuesday.

Rewind to about two months ago.  Our Focus is only 4 years old but the air conditioner began to get warmer and warmer when it ran.  Ok, no biggie, we just figured it needed some more freon or something to perk it back up.  We planned on taking it in soon because it needed new brakes anyways.  And then one week passed, then two, then SIX and hubs had a ridiculous work trip to and from Erie, PA sweating his Polish dupa off for five hours with the windows rolled up because he was on a conference call.  (Don't worry, I found this hilarious.  Him, not so much).

Well, evidently, not getting the AC fixed quick enough caused the Focus to get all sorts of super pissed, because then engine lights went on and the temperature gauge decided to play a game of yo-yo.  Ok, NOW we have to take it in.  Still in my optimistic state of mind, I'm all "oh, well, it probably just needs reset, maybe the sensors are messed up"

Wrong, Heather.  Wrong.

You know squat about cars.

Turns out the engine sensor and PC module (an engine has it's own PC?) went to crap and apparently, I am slacking with my housekeeping duties because the engine was "filthy".  I'll be sure to add that to my cleaning rotation ::eye roll::.  They gave us a nice little estimate and told us that was where we were at BEFORE they even touched the AC.  Lovely, no?

So yesterday and today I had to bum a ride with my sister, Ashley, since she had a running vehicle and thankfully we work at the same place.  Yesterday was fine, I hop into her Focus and away we go.  We chit chatted about how cars are dumb and she casually mentioned that when she got her car checked before her trip to Virginia Beach, they told her she would need a new serpentine belt soon because hers was cracking.

Then today when she came to pick me up, she was driving Mom's car.  BECAUSE HER CAR WOULDN'T START.  (I might have laughed hysterically.) Turns out, it wasn't even her serpentine belt, her battery just decided to give out.  She probably got off a lot cheaper than us with her fix but whatevez.  I guess I am relieved that neither of us ended up stranded somewhere considering the circumstances.  And I'm happy that I get my own car back tomorrow.

At least our pit stop to Dairy Queen yesterday cheered us up a bit.  Gettin' fat on ice cream makes life more bearable.


  1. Oh my gosh, I think we pretty much just wrote the EXACT same things in our blogs. Haha, twinning ;) I think it's crap that you had a "filthy" engine. Well, sooorrrry Mister IKnowEverythingAboutCars. Ugh! I swear they swindle women at those dealerships into spending more money whenever possible. Glad everything with your Focus is up and running again! :)

    1. It has been a crazy two days. I feel like it should be Friday!
