Sunday, July 27, 2014

Sweet Summer

Nights like these are my favorite.  Sunday evening, in the middle of summer.  The laundry is done, the dishes put away.  The floors are swept and mopped and ready to be broken in by another week of chaos and routine.  It's quiet and peaceful, with the dogs at my feet and hubs to my left, playing WOW on his laptop.  The sound of thunder gently shakes the house and the plink of rain lands on the windows.  Lightning flashes are few and far between and I love it.

Although we all want eighty degree days and the sun to continuously shine, these evening storms slow us down.  They force us to climb into our houses, shut the doors and rest our bones.  Sometimes I like being forced to slow down.  With all of the parties and picnics that summer brings, it brings with it the endless running and doing and thinking and planning.  Before we know it, summer has quietly slipped by, the days get shorter and fall begins to loosen the leaves on the trees and cool the air.

It was a wonderful weekend.  Birthday's were celebrated and water balloon fights ensued and cake was eaten and laughter was abundant.  Lots of things were marked off the to-do list and now I sit here with my coffee and my hubby, tapping at keys and enjoying my favorite part of the weekend.  Don't we all wish that they were just one day longer?  I would vote for a 4 day work week and a 3 day weekend any time, hands down.  America, let's think about that one, shall we?  It would make our summers seem so much longer.

Hopefully this week will get more checked off of the to-do list and Friday night will come around quickly with the hope of some more relaxation! Until then, I will just enjoy my quiet Sunday night. :)

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