Monday, April 21, 2014

That 'summer glow'.

My oh my how I love me some spring and summer.  The smell of the air, the newness of the world waking up around me and that beautiful, gorgeous sun that I always wish I could bottle.  My whole life I have been a sun junkie and a beach babe.  My Dad would forever try to get us to go to new places on family vacations but my sisters, Mom and I always chose the beach (sorry Dad!).  We would lay out slathered in oil getting bronzed to perfection right before we went back to school.

As I get older, the more I regret those decisions.  I am very fair, and thinking about the torture that I put my skin through when I was younger makes me shudder.  Mom and Dad always cautioned us against it, but hey, we wanted to be the sun kissed sisters.  (It was also totally unfair that our Mom could sit under the umbrella and end up more bronzed than us!!  We totally got our Dad's Irish skin that burned first, not the Italian skin that bronzes!)

So now that I am in my ::gulp:: later twenties, I really really do not want to do that to my skin anymore.  I have always wanted to try sunless tanners on my face but I am super-duper sensitive skinned, so trying ANYTHING new on my face is extremely rare, especially if it's not skincare products.  I bit the bullet a few weeks ago though and bought this:

Well.  Let me tell you.  I absolutely LOVE this stuff.  I'm pretty much a Clinique girl anyways with my skincare routine, so I really trust their brand so I figured I would give it a whirl.  It applies really easily, it's not streaky and it's not orange!  I exfoliate with one of their masks first and then put this on and leave it for a few hours.  It lasts about 3-5 days, which is fine for me.  I would rather buy something that isn't super heavy and obvious on the face and just reapply every few days.  Being as fair as I am, it's more natural looking anyhow.

So far, so good!  No breakouts from it and I have applied round two tonight.  I am really glad that I found something I like that works for me that won't require me torturing my skin with sun every year.  And for $22, it's really not a bad deal at all.  The tube should get me through a few months, at least.  Since this works so well, I just may have to try the body tanner they have, too!  Man it feels good to get my summer glow going again!

**I was not compensated for this post, I just really like the product and wanted to share! :)**

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