Friday, May 10, 2013


I definitely had a 50/50 day today.  Had to work in the morning, and that was no big deal...until one of my client's mothers decided to call up and throw a shit fit over the phone about her princess daughter.  Good times.  The thing that burned me up the most was the fact that we bent over backward and kissed major ass to keep these people on our good side for 6 months because we knew they were laced with crazy and it STILL didn't matter. I get so sick of pouring my energy into these women for months and months and trying to keep them calm and docile and give them an enjoyable experience at our store and  it never matters.

Ugh. Send wine.

But the day quickly got better when Joey and I went to pick out selections for our new house!  It was so fun and holy cow, I can't believe how many options there are out there for EVERYTHING.  We're not done yet but we have a really good idea of how the whole house will look now.  So yay!  Hopefully they will break ground sometime soon!

So that was my day, and now I'm super tired so I'm gonna relax with J and the pups before I turn in.


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