Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Straight shot right to the liver.

It has been lovely weather here for a whole week.  Hear that? One whole week of no-coats-needed weather.  It only took until May to get here but I won't complain because omg Colorado.

While spring for me means laying outside trying to get some rays or reading a book on the back patio while the dogs roam outside or playing tennis, for my husband sunshine and good weather and soft ground equals golf.  So I went to work on Saturday and hubs hit the links with my Dad and my sister's boyfriend.

When I got home from work, all of the guys were sitting in the living room, not saying much, but with goofy looks on their faces.  I was all what are you hiding and they were all heh heh heh heh heh.  I started joking with them saying that they must have done straight awful out there for the first round of golf for the season, and they all readily agreed.  My Dad had some unfortunate luck last year on the greens when he hit a magnificent drive and simultaneously launched his best wood driver into the nearest lake.  So this year I figured someone lost some sort of golf equipment again.

Until they showed me this:

This, folks, is what happens when a golf ball rockets into your husband's abdomen.  (You're welcome for that picture, internet).  As I tried to keep from fainting I launched into a state of 21 questions regarding WHERE?! and HOW?! and WHO DIDN'T YELL FORE?!  As it turns out, my Dad happened to have another unfortunate season opener.  Apparently, he was stuck in the rough and my husband moved far out of the way so that he could take a straight shot down the fairway about 200 yards.  Instead, he sliced that SOB 90 degrees to the right at full speed.

Obviously, this earned him a trip to the ER where the doctor said he had to have a CT scan to check to make sure his liver wasn't fractured and bleeding. ::blinkblink::  I had the pleasure of learning that when you are hit that hard in the abdomen, your organs don't give when they are hit hard and fast...they just... split.  Hold me closer, Tony Danza.  And if this happens, they bleed and need surgery.  THANK GOD his liver and all other internal organs are perfect and it's just a gigantic, disgusting bruise that needs time to reabsorb into the body.

I'd also like to take this time to express my thanks that this did not hit his head or the family jewels, ahem.

Let's hope the rest of the season goes better.

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