Friday, September 12, 2014

High Five for Friday!

I can't believe it's Friday again!  They always seem so far away but then they sneak up so quickly as we launch into another weekend.  This week was BUSY.  So much has gone on, let's recap:

1. Joey and I bought new toys!  "Toys" being grown-up appliances that we are giddy about.  This is what you get excited about at 27.  We bought a washer/dryer set since our old ones became unreliable.  It took two, seventy minute dry cycles to dry a normal load of towels.  Ridiculous.  Then the control panel was becoming so hot, we were afraid it was a fire hazard.  The washer was also beating up our clothes pretty bad.  So this bad boy is being delivered today!

2.  Hubs and I had a great time at our best friend's wedding last weekend in Kalamazoo!  It was nice to hang out with everyone at a beautiful outdoor wedding!  After a rehearsal night of atrocious storms that completely blew the tent down, the wedding day turned out beautiful for them.

3. I'm kind of obsessed with a new blanket I got at Home Goods.  It's a faux fox fur throw (say that five times fast) that is sooooo soft and snuggly.  The dogs and Joey always try to take it from me but they never win ;)

4. I started my Christmas shopping!  (I know, I know, don't hate).  I can't believe I have even started it, but I got some really good deals on things so I figured I would jump on them and just stash them until Christmas.  It's mostly for my grandparents.  Their birthdays are coming up in about 2-3 weeks, so I bought their birthday gifts and figured what the heck, just get it all right now.

5. I have a few things on schedule for the coming week I am hoping to accomplish.  Our filing cabinet desperately needs a clean-out, and so do my drawers and closet!  If I'm going to be bringing new stuff in, it's time to donate.

I hope you all had a great week!  Link up with Lauren below!

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