Friday, June 21, 2013

Let's stress-cry together.

Does anyone else feel like they're just treading water to get through the week??  This week has kicked my behind and I'm sure it's proud of it.  No matter what I do, I can't seem to catch up!  This week has been filled with early morning doctor's visits, work, an MRI, more work, laundry and dishes that never got cleaned and and AND.

Tomorrow is no better, I'm going to be running from 6am to well past midnight.  Doctor appointment in the morning followed by work all day and then a wedding at night.  AND I STILL DON'T KNOW WHAT TO WEAR!
 There's also a surprise 50th birthday party in there tomorrow for my MIL but unfortunately, I can't even make it because of everything else, so hubs is going to go for a little bit.  (I still don't have her whole gift...are you surprised?)  And they're having my favorite Mexican food there that I won't be able to engorge so I'm all sorts of fatass-pissed.

I feel like I am failing at everything lately.  There's not enough time for anything.  Why does summer always do this?!  I feel like I can breathe so much better when the weather is breaking and there is fun stuff planned but then I always end up scrambling to get it all done and fit it all in and see everyone.  Oh well, at least Sunday is pretty empty this week (for now) but I swear, if one more thing gets added to my iPhone calendar I'm going to have a major stress-cry.

It's a real thing, people.

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