Wednesday, June 5, 2013


I was sitting around with my two best friends last night having a much needed girl's night and we began talking about our age, and where we're at in life and what we've accomplished so far.  Being only 26, we weren't lamenting our age, but more marveling at the fact that we have been out of high school for eight! years! already.  Two of us finished college, one of us is a mom (it's not me), one of us just began her career and one of us is still struggling to find a job that matches her degree (yep, that's me.)  Although I guess I can't say 'struggling' when I'm not actively looking for a job in my field.  But with a Bachelor of Arts in Art History, the pickin's are slim. (High-five to my 20-year-old self wanting to be an artsy-fartsy curator of a museum.)

Anyways, I digress.  I'm not mad at myself for getting the degree I did, because I love my field and I want to see the arts flourish and thrive.  But college was an invaluable tool.  Whether or not I end up doing something in the art sector, it has given me a great sense about business, entrepreneurship, leadership and management.  These are USEFUL tools.  They are traits that I can use to hone and create what I want out of my life by deciding which avenues I choose to follow.

As the girls and I continued talking, we discussed what strengths and weaknesses each one of us has.  My friend Kim has the math brain while Rachel and I loathe numbers.  But Rachel and I have the English/Grammar brains.  We love reading and vocabulary and literature.  The three of us bounce off of each other well and we know who to go to for certain things.  As we were musing over this, I realized that writing is also another thing that I love and that I'm good at.  But why didn't I feel like I was worthy of devoting time to this before?  Why didn't I realize that having a blog could provide a space for me to express what I like in a way that I'm good at?  Why does writing seem so daunting for a lot of people?

As I get older, I realize that to be happy with myself professionally, I have to actually dedicate my time to things that I like and that I'm good at.  If I were to pick a math-based career for myself, I would be looking for the fastest refund check from college I could get.  I would feel suffocated and burned out and not good enough.  I have realized a common theme that runs through people who are happy with what they do: they're naturally good at it. I look at the other girls (and guys!) that blog and how by just them writing about things that they like, they have reached heights they never imagined.  So I've decided I this is what I want to do.  Why not use what I'm good at to push myself more to see if this is something that can become bigger than what I think?  The biggest thing that I want the most for myself is something that will give me room for creativity and the ability to be my own boss in some ways.

So will this little blog get me to where I hope to be?  Maybe.  Hopefully!  Until then I will just keep posting the random things that make me happy and keep it real at the same time because it's what I love to do.

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