Friday, June 21, 2013

Let's stress-cry together.

Does anyone else feel like they're just treading water to get through the week??  This week has kicked my behind and I'm sure it's proud of it.  No matter what I do, I can't seem to catch up!  This week has been filled with early morning doctor's visits, work, an MRI, more work, laundry and dishes that never got cleaned and and AND.

Tomorrow is no better, I'm going to be running from 6am to well past midnight.  Doctor appointment in the morning followed by work all day and then a wedding at night.  AND I STILL DON'T KNOW WHAT TO WEAR!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Patterns and Polka Dots

I am starting to let myself explore a little bit more pattern in my clothing.  For some reason, I have always been a solids kind of girl--I don't stray much into the pattern department.  I think this stems from me feeling like most patterns look too big and flashy and I prefer more dainty, delicate looks.  Or it could be that most stores I have been looking in have so much pattern everywhere that I give up and walk out cross-eyed from the overload. ::shudders::

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


I was sitting around with my two best friends last night having a much needed girl's night and we began talking about our age, and where we're at in life and what we've accomplished so far.  Being only 26, we weren't lamenting our age, but more marveling at the fact that we have been out of high school for eight! years! already.  Two of us finished college, one of us is a mom (it's not me), one of us just began her career and one of us is still struggling to find a job that matches her degree (yep, that's me.)  Although I guess I can't say 'struggling' when I'm not actively looking for a job in my field.  But with a Bachelor of Arts in Art History, the pickin's are slim. (High-five to my 20-year-old self wanting to be an artsy-fartsy curator of a museum.)