Friday, September 18, 2015


Ah, I love September 18th.  Our wedding was such a beautiful day, and we loved every minute of it.  It has been six years since then and while I can't believe it has been that long, I feel like we are in this great place of really knowing one another, and have a game plan for the future and what we both hope to accomplish together.  Tonight is going to be low-key, just how we like it.  Grilling some steaks on the grill and finishing up painting our bedroom.

Here's to many more crazy days and cozy nights, painting rooms and summer bonfires, favorite fish tacos and U of M games, silly puppies and video games, new patios and Netflix nights.

I love you more than words can describe.


Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Master Bedroom Remodel!

Well, well, well.

Joey and I have taken on another remodel in our house and it is in full swing.  Our house is painted all one boring builders-grade white and we have been trying to cozy it up now that our warranty is expired.  It has been fun envisioning what we want to do to transform our house into our home!

Our first project was our little powder room downstairs because everyone who visits always uses that bathroom.  It was nice to spruce it up for guests.  It turned out really nice and we are really happy with it!  That first little change bit me with the DIY remodel bug and all of a sudden I was seeing so! many! possibilities! with our house.  We decided that next up should be our bedroom.  It's one of the rooms in the house we use the most and I wanted to turn it into our sanctuary.

So what have we done so far?  It feels like a whole lot of nothing.  We have done tons, but without major change, it just feels like you're just treading water and in the same dang position for a long time.  We painted the trim, which made such a HUGE difference itself.  It's amazing how crisp and clean a room can look with some extra-white paint on the trim.  That took at least 3 weeks between taping it off and actually finding the time to do it in between weddings, birthday parties and of course, work.

Last night, we were all set to prime the walls...until we realized we had to tape everything off and lay drop cloths down.  We invested in a paint sprayer (since we have a whole freaking house to paint) and quickly realized that we couldn't do anything until all of the protectables were protected.  So we got that ready because that only takes five minutes right? HAAAAA, NO.  Three hours later it was a wrap (literally) and we went to bed.  Prep work, I hate you.  Here are some pictures of the room after all of that was done:

It pretty much looks like the inside of an old-school milk carton.  (Also?  That tray ceiling is it's own monster, but that's a whole different post.)

So tonight we finally got down to priming!  Here's Joey in his glory with his new tools:

Double-fisting the painting supplies like a champ!  Obviously I watch and take pictures.

The primer has already made a huge improvement in the room and it definitely looks like it's ready for paint now!  Our goal is to have our room back by this weekend, because clothes in 4 different spots in the house along with a completely relocated bathroom makes for a very frazzled wife and I can't handle that crap before coffee in the morning while trying to get ready for work.

Getting there (I hope)!  More later this week :)

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Dem Jeans

Does anyone else have a loathing of jeans shopping?  I would rather try on swimsuits with unshaven legs than go scouting for new jeans.  It's the worst, isn't it?  Body shaming to the CORE.  Your thighs got a little too thick, your ass suddenly inflated, a muffin has popped its top around your midsection and the length is always off.  Always!  There's only one logical explanation: THEYCHANGEDTHESIZECHARTONTHISBRANDBECAUSEIKNOWIFITINTHISSIZEBEFORE.

Just me?

I ran my old jeans into the ground.  Really, those things should have been torched long ago.  I think a couple of pairs are still lingering from high school.  Now in my defense, I don't crack those old flares out (I know) unless I'm working around the house or running crazy errands in the rain.  They were the go-to's for all of the non-fun things I had to do and I didn't want to put on my good jeans.  They also *may or may not* have sparkles on the butt pockets.  (I'll never tell!)

I have been on the hunt for a nice pair of distressed skinny jeans.  I don't like the overly crazy distressed jeans with rips everywhere, but some texture on them is what I want right now.  I got lucky and found a lovely pair from H&M that fit every single one of my strict criteria.  Behold:

I love these jeans.  They are perfect for dressing up or down, have the perfect amount of stretch and give and they have just the right amount of distressing.  Luckily, I didn't have to try on too many different pairs at H&M before I found these.  I am thinking of buying a second pair!

Now, about the flares.  I know this trend is coming back, but I don't want the full on flare, ya know?  I think I found a compromise with these American Eagle Kick Boot jeans. 

They're nice, but they're a little too long for me.  The 'short' style was too short and the 'regular' style is too long.  Such is my life.  Good thing there is an alteration shop in my town that I can get them hemmed for relatively cheap.  They're a good mid-weight jean with a really nice feel.  I didn't have to squeeze into them and they still have really nice curve and hug to them.  I have only had the opportunity to wear them a couple of times, so I am still deciding if they will become my new favorites or not.  Still, at least I found a few pairs!

So, where do you shop for jeans?  Do you have any go-to brands?